#LaFemmeCamerounaise : Chantal Edie Ntumbe Photographer & Artistic Director

“We are right to celebrate women but we must not forget that every day, they die by giving life” – Chantal Edie Ntumbe.

We could not stop crying while listing her speech again and again. It’s right that Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest risk of death in the first month of life and is among the regions showing the least progress. In cameroon, it’s 51 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2017. We should not forget that!

Health care is a basic human right, and should therefore be free to all citizens. No one should have to choose between food and their medication, or going to the doctor. In addition, no one should face bankruptcy because of an illness or accident. Everyone should have access to healthcare. That was, we think the point of our speaker.

You can have her views on #LaFemmeCamerounaise Here.

PS : Africa bears one-quarter of the global disease burden, yet has only 2% of the world’s doctors. To improve the delivery of healthcare, the continent needs to leverage digital technologies, improve knowledge, skills and resources, and create channels for collaboration and consensus among key stakeholders.



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