The brand RIZ MÉMÉ, joined to the international community to support women’s well-being.
The goal of the brand was to strengthen emotional positioning and premium image. Our was to organize 2 breast cancer screening sessions :
> Yaoundé � 2 days Carrefour Market Ekié
> Douala � 3 days Carrefour Market Bonamoussadi
We had to :
❑ Craft message & visual support to inform and attract women to the screening sessions that can be adapted into-Display banners, Roll- Ups, T-shirts, Tent etc.
❑ Propose Facebook Sensitization Approach –Should think of an original and fresh way to engage audience and endear them to the brand.
❑ Propose screening execution approach
Differents KPI achieved :
336 of women screened, 20 suspected cases, Mammograms offered by Riz Mémé, 1500 Women sensitized with leaflets in Douala and Yaoundé, 2400 connected & sensitized in Douala and Yaoundé...
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